There are nearly 173,000 US active duty personnel serving outside of the United States. We respect and honor each of these individuals and the sacrifice that they have chosen to make by trying to bring them comfort in some small way.
We will do this by enthusiastically raising funds, and then using those funds in a responsible, economical fashion. We will leverage our relationships with game designers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to maximize our charitable giving. We will run creative campaigns in order to spread the word and raise awareness about our organization and our mission.
Most importantly, we will never forget that they are out there — protecting us, defending us, and giving their all for us. With this fundraiser, you can be a part of that mission too. Help us help them by supporting our mission to get tabletop games in the hands of our troops around the world!
Between now and August 27, Games for Troops will be running a fundraising t-shirt sale. All you have to do is a buy a Games for Troops t-shirt and proceeds will be donated to the organization. You can find the link below. Please help us help our troops by getting yourself a shirt and spreading the word!